Monday, February 02, 2004

Norman Rockwell: Art for Common People

It is generally known that when you try to find something, you'll end up with another. Such is the case that happened to me yesterday. Instead of black and white pictures, I found a book about Norman Rockwell's. I have been a fan of him since Dino Turino Setiawan gave me a journal filled with Rockwell's reproduction paintings in 1993. Rockwell painted, drew, and sketched beautifully.

So when I found a book about him some years ago, I didn't hesitate to buy it, though it cost me a month of my allowance. I was happily turning the pages when an expensively-clad woman of forty-odd approached me. (We were queueing in the train station)
Woman: Sorry, I can't help noticing. It's about Norman Rockwell, isn't it? (pointing at the book)
Me: (slightly taken aback) Indeed it is.
Woman: You're majoring in Arts or Design?
Me: (shaking head) No, Ma'am.
Woman: So you like to draw or paint.
Me: I can do neither, Ma'am.
Woman: Then why the heck did you buy this book? (staring at me haughtily from head to toe, appraising look on her face) I'm sure you can hardly afford it. So why bother?
Me: (deeply insulted) I just like his paintings. Is that a crime, Ma'am?
Woman: You won't be able to appreciate his works properly if you're not an artist. I am one. I can paint nicely. Have you been to the States before? (cutting me before I was able to say anything) Oh, don't bother answering, I'm sure you haven't. Well, I have. I've been to Rockwell museum. It's splendid!

(A boy and a girl about my age went to her side. They looked alike so I guess they must be her children. I defined them in two works: spoiled brats.)

Boy: It's sure hot in here.
Girl: Yeah. I'm bored with this country, Ma. Can I go to the States again?
Boy: (adding) Yeah! That would be fun!
Woman: But dear, we're supposed to go to Singapore next month. We simply can't cancel the tickets just like that.
Girl: Can we go there this Christmas then? I've got a lot of things to shop. And here, well... you know Indonesian quality.
Woman: (smiling) Of course we can. We'd better be in the States for a month or two then.
Boy and Girl: Yay!
Me: (snickering)
So what? I'm not an artist. Does it mean that I am not permitted to enjoy masterpieces done by superb painters?
I sure hope people in the fields of Arts and Design are not this snobbish. It sure gives a bad name to their world. As if they're so high beneath us--the common people. How disgusting.

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