Thursday, April 08, 2004

Maternity Syndrome

I used to scoff at this so-called maternity syndrome. How often I encountered mothers, young and old alike, stating that whenever they went to the shopping center, their feet would automatically drag them to the children's section. That they'd spend more money and time for the sake of their children, sometimes neglecting their needs. I sneered. I jeered. At that time I thought that:

1. they were lying.
2. they were being overdramatic.
3. they were stupid.

Why stupid? Because they seemed to prioritize their children first. How silly, I thought. I made a vow that once I had children on my own, I'd still prioritize myself. I'd still buy things for me, me, and me, and take care of myself properly.

God's sense of humor is sometimes warped... yet I have no reasons to complain. Because I'm laughing at this moment.

For now I begin to understand. I spent quite a lot of money today, for baby's equipments. And they all looked so cuuuu~~uute! The socks, shirts, pants, blankets, etc. And I know that I am doomed. Every trip to the shopping center will involve me perusing the baby's section.

Is maternity syndrome hereditary? Or maybe infectious?

Now, that's a scary thought!

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