Monday, May 17, 2004

On Being Married--Part One

Several days ago, an old friend of mine gave me a question. He was about to decide upon a matter of great importance in his life, and he needed my opinion.

"How does it feel to be married?" he asked. "Do you like it?"

I always dread this type of question. Because whatever I say won't convince him. If I answered, "It's wonderful, I love being married." He might object by saying, "But that's in your case. Maybe it won't work in my case."

If I said, "It's tough. I regret getting married... but it's too late now." He'd be influenced by my negativity. He might decide not to get married. And one day if he regretted it, he might blame me. "Thanks to Donna, I'm still single now! I feel wretched and lonely. All because of her. Why did I listen to her in the first place? Boy, how I regretted it!"

I could always settle with a non-committal answer, like, "Well, it depends..." which I think, would lead him into more confusion.

To me, marriage is a wonder. To know that you have a sweet, caring person to share your life with. On the first night of my wedding day, I cried in joy and gratitute. I was content being single, but being married is altogether different. It opens a new horizon for me, unknown paths that I didn't even realize existed.

When should you get married? Well, it's for you to decide. My friend is still in the state of confusion--is he ready? Will he like being married, or will he regret it?

In times like this, you can only turn to yourself for answer. It is your decision. Your own life.

Me, I chose to be happy. And I'm much happier making that choice.
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