Monday, January 31, 2005

An Apology to Mr. Reiser

It's official. My partner hates Paul Reiser. He also hates Deepak Chopra. And other writers that influence me so much.

It began innocently enough. I was just rereading Reiser's books again (Couplehood and Babyhood). After that, like a good wife that always shares things with her husband, I spoke nicely to him.

"Paul Reiser is a romantic man."

He arched his right eyebrow then simply said, "Hmmm."

"You can't tell at first, reading his book, but he actually is."

He had a feeling where the conversation was leading, but still made a feeble attempt to ask, "So?"

"How come you rarely treat me romantically?" At this point I was wailing.

And he simply blamed Paul Reiser.

Umm, Paul, where ever you are, I'm so sorry...

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