Friday, September 09, 2005

Dare to be Different

When I was still a holier-than-thou teenager (yes, yours truly used to suffer from self-righteousness), I came across this saying, "Dare to be different". I have no idea who coined that opinion. I just thought it was cool. "Hey, this is a good campaign! This way I will even be proud that I'm different!"

O, foolish me, woe befell me...

I could ramble on and on about my "tough" teenagehood but I'm sure there are others out there whose teenage years are almost impossible to bear. Suffice to say, I was different. Now I'd say that I'm unique, and very pleased with the fact. But when I was still a teenager, the price for my "differences" was heavy. I carried the scars for years, often eyeing people warily, or pretending that I'm so ordinary, so cliche.

It hurts when you can't be yourself. Especially since sometimes I have different values than others. How many times I feel ticked when people start swarming me with cliches, like, "Ah, don't you just hate it when boys don't want to pay for your food?" How could I retort back with a "no"? Or another cliche like, "You know, boys. They tend to be egoistical at times." Well! What about girls? IMHO I believe there are times when girls are MORE selfish compared to men.

Truth to tell, I just loathe any kind of generalization. But some people I know are so fond of quoting old and old sayings, judging people even before they meet them.

There was a time when I had to curb my tendency to be different, shielding myself with an air of frivolousness. Silly me, how much I wanted to be accepted!

Now I am content with what I have. So what if my opinions differ? If I choose to lead my life the way I see fit? It's my life. It's your life. And sometimes, the differences help us to appreciate each other more.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm.... dare to be different! sampai sekarang masih seneng ngerasa kayak gitu. asyik aja, beda dengan orang lain, tapi masih dalam rel yang benar.

aq pernah nyablon kaos sendiri, tulisannya dare to be a bluesman....gara2nya krn aq suka musik blues, yang tidak banyak orang suka. hehehehehe......

Anonymous said...

dare to be different? hmm iya sih dulu, waktu masih smu paling getol menggembor2kan slogan ini, kesannya gimanaaaa gitchu :)

anyhoo, skrg juga masih menerapkan dare to be different tapi masih dalam kewajaran :) kalo gak tar dikira pysico lagi qeqeqe...

Anonymous said...

Well done, Donna.

It's nice to see that you have matured tremendously. I am happy to see that you are content with what you have, I am still struggling with what I have, who I am.

Remember in high school, one time you told me, "Mbak, mereka itu cuman luarnya aja emas.. dalamnya gak ada apa apanya.. Mbak kebalikannya.." You may not know, but you helped me go through some tough times in High School.

Donna, I hope you realize that your heart is also gold. ;). Platinum if I may say, because you are such a tough girl.

Yes, high school was cruel, but look now, what do we care about high school now?

Just wanted to say even we have grown apart, I still do admire you and misses you sometimes ( honest).
I admire you for your courage to be different and yet being content with it. One of my bestest high school memories lies with you.

Mbak Na

Mariskova said...

"I did it my way" is my fave song. So what if sb is different, ya Mbak? Apa kabar nih? Udah sembuh belum?
Bukuku? Masih deket... dengan bab awal hehehe... lagi keasyikan baca Agatha Christie.

Primadonna Angela said...

asyik euy bisa nyablon kaos sendiri. aku jadi sirik nih, irf!

mungkin lebih ke arah unik kali ya, asty? jadi harusnya dare to be unique, hihi..!

thank you, mbak na. yes, sometimes i miss you too.. hope we'll be able to meet again in near future. :)

udah sembuh kok, devin. :)sekarang lagi menggila demi mengejar deadline! yooosh! baca agatha christie yang mana nih?

shanshine said...

waduh, Im still worshiping the slogan lho "dare 2 b different" because different is good...hehehhe

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