Friday, September 01, 2006

First review of QLD

Click this to read it. Thanks a bunch, Nats!

Oh, by the way, to answer your question, Nats... you have already met some of the Dragonlancers! :) Yours truly, Andi, Alex, the twins--Dy and Ley... ^_^

1 comment:

kiky f said...

hai mbak, salam kenal. aku kiky (forum blog fam yang tinggal di rumbai juga itu lhooo) baru kemaren semept beli QLD, trus ada compliment buat ortunya kan ya? trus nanya papa?
pa, kenal ama pak Onang mertoyono?
papa : "iya kenal, teman papa tuh di rumbai..."

Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!