Friday, September 15, 2006

It's REALLY hard... work when your baby is screaming behind you.

Aza is sick, down with the flu. He's rather feverish so I'm pretty worried. The fever makes him really, really cranky. He's usually a sweet child, but when he's ill... (I leave that to the readers' imagination)

So translations and novels, bye bye for now. I'd better hold the crying babe.


Anonymous said...

aza sakit? sakit apa, bu? wah, semoga lekas sembuh deh .... dan ceria kembali

Anonymous said...

cepat sembuh, Aza :)

Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom said...

All (good) mothers would do the same thing you did...

Saying sayonara to work when the baby is sick.

BTW, I've just found your blog. My co-worker has just given me the link. Glad to find it.

Anonymous said...

semoga cepet sembuh ya za..
bisa bayangin deh repotnya klo anak sakit.
cemas!! apalagi klo digabung dengan deadline..wah jad heart attack...

hope everythin will be all rite soon


j'Nie Oct'z said...

aza tuh sopo toh mbak...
ini jeje. masi inget khan???
eh, kapan-kapan baca cerpen aku yah di blog ku... tapi mungkin dalam jangka waktu minggu depan. nggak sekarang pastinya...
pa kabar mbak???
udah add aku di fs blom? kalo uda, nitip testi yah...

j'Nie Oct'z said...

aza tuh sopo toh mbak...
ini jeje. masi inget khan???
eh, kapan-kapan baca cerpen aku yah di blog ku... tapi mungkin dalam jangka waktu minggu depan. nggak sekarang pastinya...
pa kabar mbak???
udah add aku di fs blom? kalo uda, nitip testi yah...

Anonymous said...

Saya bantu jawab ya. Aza itu putra sulungnya Donna.

j'Nie Oct'z said...

allow mbak donna...
aku udah ada cerpen lhow... baca yawh...
di blog ku...


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