Sunday, June 10, 2007

I am Stubborn Enough to be a Writer!

I have faced immense negativities in my life. Probably, one of the biggest came from my ex, who told me that my stories were crappy and corny. But of course, the biggest doubt of all came from yours truly. I kept questioning myself, could I do it--become a published author, I mean? Did I have the guts, the talent, the self-discipline?

Maybe I don't. I'm not that talented, yet I know how to move forward. I know how to motivate myself, to fuel myself in trying to grab my dreams. And of course, being stubborn also helps.


Anonymous said...

Thank God, you broke up with your ex... ^o^

Wina said...

Ya ampun,maksudnya apa sih tuhorg?

bener mba, eike setuju ama mba donna..maju terus ... perbaiki diri dan selalu berkarya lebih bagus...

Hannie said...

huhuhuhh.... aku stubborn nulis juga, tapi penyakit males ini kok ya ikut2an stubborn ajah. Aaarghhhh!!!!

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