Monday, September 10, 2007

My Family this Morning

I woke up because Chika kept crying while I breastfed her. Seemed like she was hungry. I took Chika in my arms, walking out. Aza tried to smother me with his hugs, so I gave Chika to my assistant, while I held him for a while. My partner was still asleep. I slept again.

Waking up, my partner had already breakfasted. He was about to take a bath when I decided to have some breakfast. Chika was crying, so I breastfed her again. When I was about to eat, Aza demanded my attention. Oh well...

After breakfast, Chika wanted me to hold her. So I did. I gave her some things to play with. In the mean time, I read.

A few minutes later, I realized that Chika almost managed to open a body lotion by herself. The type that you have to unscrew to open it. I tighten the lid again and continued to read, letting Chika play with it once more. About two or three minutes later, I saw Chika opening the lid. Whoa! She could do that already?

1 comment:

ted said...

senang bisa ngeliat perkembangan anak ...

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