Thursday, August 07, 2008

Mini Photo Session in GPU

Yesterday, before attending a meeting in GPU, I decided to talk with my editor(s). While discussing my newest projects, Hetih dropped by and said, more or less, "While you are here, why don't we take your pictures? For Bibliophile." Hetih did interview me for the coming Bibliophile--GPU's (supposedly) biyearly magazine/catalogue. Yet it was ages ago and I almost forgot about it. Sooo... while I was still there, this amazing photographer of GPU named Marcel A.W. took my pictures. The results are quite good, considering the fact that I could not pose well. Aye, I love taking pictures of myself and loved ones, informally, but posing for "real" pictures has always been a problem for me.

I always love visiting GPU. The atmosphere is friendly. And the people are always nice to me. Can't wait for my next visit!


Stephanie Zen said...

waahh, Mbak Donna manis banget di foto ini :)

Pritha Khalida said...

iya betul..mbak donna bda d foto ini!

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