Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I am Now 32!

And proud of it. At 32 I am content with what I have. I have a loving partner, two adorable kids, career that I love and wonderful family & friends.

Thanks to all who spent some time in congratulating me. Be it through Friendster, Multiply, Facebook, SMS, phone, plurk, YM... and others. I hope the following year will be filled with love and laughter as well!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mbak... :)
Moga panjang umur, sehat selalu, sukses dan hepi ya...
sukses terus sama bukunya... :)
kita kapan ketemu yak mba? hahaha gila, diitung2, dah 10taon-an kali yak kita temenan.. hehehe :)
sms lage yak alamatnya :)

maryna roesdy said...

wah sorry aku telat bgt yah buka blognya.
Happy belated bday mbak Donna.
Semoga senantiasa dalam lindungan Tuhan yah mbak :)

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