Monday, May 24, 2010

Apple Mint Jelly

Been baking a lot (to my standard, that is) and I'd like to share some recipes. I love apples, and this jelly is a personal favorite of mine. (Source of the recipe: Periplus Mini Cookbooks, and the original name is Rich Mint Jelly. I think apple mint jelly is more appropriate)

(first phase)
1 kg Granny Smith apples
1 liter water
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 1/2 cups mint leaves

(second phase)
2-3 drips green food coloring (I used 3, but I think 2 would be better)
1/2 cup finely copped mint leaves

- Wash and dry thoroughly, cut apples to thick slices. Do not peel or core.
- Combine apple, water, lemon juice, mint leaves in a pan, bring to boil. Reduce heat slightly. Cook, uncovered, approx. 10-15 minutes or till apple forms a soft pulp. Break large pieces with a wooden spoon.
- Strain mixture through muslin into a bowl, leave overnight.
- Measure the strained juice, put it back in a pan. Add 1 cup of sugar for each cup of juice. Stir over low heat without boiling until sugar has dissolved. Boil, reduce heat slightly. Boil on low heat for about 20 minutes (15 in my case), or until mixture gels when tested.
- Add extra mint and coloring. Stir well. Remove from heat, set aside for 5 minutes. Pour into hot, sterilized jars, seal. You can label and date the jars when they're cool. Store it in cool, dark place for up to 12 months.

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