Tuesday, February 24, 2004

An arisan that I attended some time ago brought a deep frown on my face. It was not because the arisan was like the one portrayed on the movie, no. It was commonplace enough, I suppose. Where wives (housewives and the ones who have careers) got together, talked shop, shared many new informations--both interesting and not. Something bothered me deeply. You see, most of the wives talked about their husbands. There's nothing wrong in that, actually, after all, it's only natural. However they seemed to take pride in how dependent and incompetent their husbands were.
Wife #1: You know... When my husband got sick during our honeymoon, he became so clinging and demanding like a child.
Wife #2: Ah, that's nothing! You just got married in a fortnight! I've been married for ten years. My husband doesn't even know how to tie his shoelaces. I do practically everything for him.
Wife #3: My husband relies on me all the time. You wouldn't believe the havoc and chaos he created during my absence! He wrecked the house trying to find a bottle of mayonaise. And you know what? It was there all along in the fridge!
Wife #4: Men! They're such babies, don't you think?
Wife #5: Indeed! They wouldn't be able to survive without their wives! We have to take care of them carefully!
Makes me wonder. Why are these women fond of telling others how like a clinging child their husbands are? Does it give them a feeling of power? Don't they realize how badly they portray their husbands? For I can picture their husbands clearly, stubbing their toes then running to their wives, crying, "Ma... Ma... I'm hurt!" Then the wives would say something soothing like, "You poor dear, let me fix that for you!"

That image shocks me. For, to me, it doesn't sound like a couple of grown-ups interacting with each other. It sounds like a pampered baby and his mother.

I know, I know. Everybody has a different view towards marriage. To me, marriage is a partnership. I trust my partner's judgments and opinions. He trusts mine as well. We pamper and take care of each other a lot, true. As equals. That is why the idea of wives who are proud of themselves for mothering their husbands doesn't appeal to me.

Men are men. Women are women. Both can be dependent or self-sufficient according to their surroundings, upbringings, conditionings, and other factors that I might not know. Maybe some women prefer their husbands to rely solely on them. It makes them feel superior and important, perhaps. Me, I am the type who will proudly say, "Whenever I am away, I don't worry too much because I know my husband can take good care of himself."

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