Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Regarding Angels

Do you believe in angels?

I do.

To me, an angel is someone (or even something) that is able to inspire me to do good deeds, to spread more love and happiness. Angels have come to me in the shape of a cat, a parent, a twin brother, a partner. They fuel me ahead, making me replace hatred with love. I've even found an angel in me, sleeping soundly but sweetly, emerging here and now to help other people, and of course, yours truly.

Angels are everywhere--in the air you breathe, in your heart, in your mind. Acknowledge them, and you'll be blessed and loved. They are the instruments of God, always ready to help. Protecting you from harm, from evil influences.

Angels are magical and elemental. So powerful that many times you won't be able to feel their power. They work through tender feelings and love, awakening awareness and loving thoughts.

I know well, because I'm carrying one for almost seven months now.

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