Monday, July 12, 2004

Shopping List

We couldn't believe that we had not shopped enough. Correction, isman couldn't believe it. After months of intense shopping and incessant questions from him like, "Is this really necessary?" we came to realize that we need more things. I have already made a list (a favorite past time of mine, I daresay). It's still growing.

Things that we need to buy:

1. More baby bottles.
Sure, we have several of them already. But I need more to store the milk on the fridge. I estimate that I produce at least one liter of milk daily.

2. Bottle sterilizer (preferably the steam type).
We're starting to get sick of boiling the bottles and teats for minutes before being able to use them again! It's quite expensive, though... *sigh*

3. More flannel blankets and towels of all sizes.
We wash what we have everyday... sometimes Aza pees or throws up on them. There are times when he uses the towels to clean his nose (only when he cannot find tissue or his nose towel--which happens fairly often).

4. Baby pillows.
The ones that we have are continuously soaked by Aza's sweat.

5. Bottle warmer.
To warm the bottles. (obviously!)

So many things to buy... and I'm depressed.

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