Thursday, August 05, 2004

When I Say No, I Mean It!
dedicated to annoying door-to-door salespeople

Years ago I heard the saying, "When a woman says no, she means maybe. When she says maybe, she means yes. When she says yes, she's not really a lady."

Many people seem to be taken by this silly saying. Especially boys during my teenage years. Whenever I said "no" (even with a firm, decisive note and loud voice) they still persuaded me to say "yes".
Boy: You'd go out with me this weekend, right?
Me: No.
Boy: Aw, c'mon. I know you have nothing better to do. I'll pick you up with taxi. My treat. Okay?
Me: (with more emphasis, shaking my head firmly) No!
Boy: I'll treat you in a restaurant for lunch, what do you say?
Me: Can't you read my lips? I said "no"! (stomping off)
Needless to say, this diminished my popularity among boys. Some said that I was too picky and bitchy. Too sharp-tongued and unladylike.

Some female friends of mine told me not to be so harsh.

"Be more polite and understanding," one said, "After all, you're a woman. People expect you to behave nicely."

But how can people expect me to be nice to salespeople, who, metaphorically and literally, put their legs on the door so that you'd let them in? Salespeople who ignore you when you say "no", who try to make you feel guilty for rejecting them?

Hell! It's MY house after all! And I have the right to say NO!

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