Thursday, April 26, 2007

Aza & Chika

(Translated from Indonesian to English)
Aza: Mami, why is that your tummy is not that big anymore? Where's the baby?
Me: The baby has been born, Za.
Aza: Where?
Me: There! Chika IS the baby.
Aza: Oh. So she's my sister?
Me: Yes!
Aza: Oh. I thought you're still pregnant.
Me: Ouch! *holding my still bulging belly*


Rofiul Hadi said...

wah keren bgt anaknya mba dona.. lagi kecil udah ngomong pake bhs inggris... :d klo aja dari kecil aku di ajarin bhs inggris, mungkin gak ancur gini bhs inggris ku :P

Hannie said...

wa.... aza polos banget ya mbak! mudah2an dia selalu sayang dan jagain chika ya! ;)

Anonymous said...

huehehehe.,... gw jg sering dibilang, "Bunda gendut yaaa" sama Naila :D

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