Friday, April 27, 2007

I Knew It!

After reading Philip Pullman's Golden Compass, I often wondered what my daemon would look like. I was pretty sure that it was a cat. Or a tiger. Or a lion. Something feline.

Imagine my delight when finding this site! I eagerly tried to find out what my daemon was!

BOY! I was right. My daemon is an ocelot! My, isn't he handsome?!

Why don't you readers have a try? Tell me what your daemons are!


Anonymous said...

daemon saya apa ya //mode bingung on :D

natsu said...

Saya Adan, a male tiger...

-Fitri Mohan- said...

barusan nyoba. yang keluar singa jantan. :D thanks ya buat informasi situsnya.

Primadonna Angela said...

hihihi.. seneng ya, bisa ngeliat daemon. lucu2an aja sih.

Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!