Sunday, April 15, 2007


Typical things that people might ask when they know you're a published author:

1. "How much money do you earn?"
I usually reply with this: "Alhamdulillah, I earn enough." Usually they get the message. If they persist, I'll say sweetly that it's actually none of their business. Once, I even said something like this, "Does it really matter to you knowing how much I earn? Have I asked you how much money you get in your job?"

2. "Can I get a free copy?"
When I'm in the good mood, I'll usually reply, "Just attend meet & greet or other events. If I'm going to be there, chances are, we'll give free copies as doorprizes." Or, "Sorry, I'm not that successful and rich. Please pray for me. When I become that successful, I will give many books freely."

3. "Can you please read my manuscript? If it's good, you can tell GPU to publish it!"
Sorry to break your dreams, honey, but it doesn't work that way. My opinion doesn't count. I am just a writer, not the editor. If you want your work to be published, send it to the publisher, please!

4. "How long did you wait before your novel was published?"
Well, it depends. In my case, it was about 3-4 months' time. (my first book)

5. "Can you please teach me how to write?"
I usually respond with, "It's best to learn by yourself. Besides, I'm not your Bahasa Indonesia teacher..."


Anonymous said...

Btw kasus kita sama yahh??
Ato emang ini kasus klasik?
Mba Donna emang juara dehh...jawaban2nya paten, langsung ke sasaran.
Yaa, maaf deh kalo besok2 jawabannya di-copy paste sama daku heuheuu;D

Anonymous said...

Halo salam kenal melihat artikel anda sungguh bagus. Ingin belajar jadi writer dari Mbak Donna boleh gak ya? I belum pandai bikin blog masih belajar kalo ada waktu boleh lah liat dan beri komen di blog saya.Terima kasih.Btw sudah nonton film The Secret belum…wow film ini sangat bagus banyak dari beberapa penulis blog di TDA yang membahas dan bahkan sudah ada yang mempraktekkan Law of Attraction..Mau tahu lebih lanjut boleh lah link ke atau mau dapat langsung pelajaran gratis dari Bob Proctor dan Jack Canfield klik aja ke
Salam ya,

Anonymous said...

Whoooppss.. baru mo minta free copy, haha.. canda dinkss :P

Btw, ngga minta diajarin nulis seehh.. cuman ehmm.. mo nanyaa.. gimana sih mempertahankan 'mood' bisa tetep nulis ampe selesai, Donna?! Huehehe.. :D

Selamat menikmati hari Selasa :)

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