Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lovely Chika

Chika is getting bigger now (but, of course!). Her hair's getting longer (and easily tousled). She smiles a lot. One of my favorite time with her is when I put her on my stomach after I feed her. After she burps, she will usually coo and gurgle, and of course, smile. She smiles a lot. Sometimes she laughs, too. The sound brings warmth to my body and soul.

Her eyelashes are much longer than mine. (I have short eyelashes. I always envy my father and youngest bro whose eyelashes are quite long. Aza's eyelashes are very long, like a giraffe. I really, really feel jealous to him for this!) Her eyebrows are pretty straight, like mine (my partner calls it alis prihatin).

There are times when she really looks like Aza when he was her age. But now we start to see some differences. Chika's chin is pointed, so cute, I always think. Aza's more rounded. Her eyes are bigger and rounder. Aza, when he was about Chika's age, had small, squinted eyes.


Unknown said...

so cute,.....:)

Anonymous said...

Alis Prihatin? Ha ha.. lucu banget istilahnya.. ^o^

Primadonna Angela said...

satelite--makasih. :)

hihi tapi bener kan, m? alisku dan chika emang memberikan kesan prihatin, sih.

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