Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Writing vs Playing with Aza

These days, Aza seems to detest seeing me writing. Ohkay, so he also feels jealous when I hold Chika. I guess he'd love it so, if I can spare him 24 hours each day to accompany him playing.

Two days ago, as I was trying to revise my manuscript, Aza called me. "Mami, Mami, please take a picture of me!" he said, with his winning smile. So he posed with his cars, and I took this picture. He asked me to take more and more pictures. He smiled everytime.

I found it extremely difficult to work after seeing his expressions... so priceless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi kak donna...

Aku masih setia ngikutin blog vervain, cuma nggak bisa ninggalin comment. Hiks... ini di warnet ;p

Duh aza, masih kecil dah punya gaya... cute.

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