Friday, June 08, 2007

Itsy Bitsy Spidey... Um, Venom!

I first found the Venom costume in a special shop that sells babies' and kids' equipments. It was too expensive to my standard. Yesterday, I found Venom costume (along with Ultraman Costume. Imagine THAT! And no, the mask is not made of steel or tin or something...) in a Factory Outlet. Since I'm a member, I got a ten percent discount. The price is 50% cheaper than the costume sold in the special shop!

Last night, Aza suddenly became The Venom, or Bad Spidey, as he called it. He even wore this outfit when he slept.


Anonymous said...

Hi aza...

You're in love with venom's outfit, aren't you?

Your birthday is so close..

cheers, from auntie m ;p

Anonymous said...

Lucu kostumnya, tokonya dimana sih tepatnya. thanx

Primadonna Angela said...

thank you, auntie m! :)

mbak lisa tinggal di bandung? dijual di FO samping gramedia merdeka (lupa namanya). karena aku jadi member, dapat diskon 10%, harganya jadi sekitar 44 ribuan. kalau stok di FO ini abis, bisa coba cek di DSE, di dago.

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