Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Soft Opening of Rumah Pernik

Dear readers, I proudly announce that I now have an online store. It might sound childish, but I really feel delighted! I've always wanted to open a store of my own. Now the dream has come true.

This store offers my handmade accessories made of yarns and various beads, transparent soap, accessories for kids and adults-alike... and many more! Be my guest, please visit Rumah Pernik and look around!

Bear in mind that some pictures are still blurry. I'll post clearer pictures once I have the time to do so.


Unknown said...

Donna :),

gambarnya kurang besar. Gak bisa liat apa2 kecil banget.

Anyway, i love the rainbowglo! Can I reserve one? I'm going home soon ^^! So if u and ur hubby or ur little ones need anything from here, please let me know =).

Anonymous said...

don, kalung nya bagus tuh... kau yang buat?

Primadonna Angela said...

okay meta, aku tulis ya di multiply-nya rainbowglo direserve meta! :) niatnya aku mau foto2 lagi, kok. nitip apa ya? mikir dulu deh, tapi mungkin nggak pengin ngerepotin meta, heheh. makasih ya!

iya ti, aku bikin sendiri. sekarang lagi hobi ngeronce2 perhiasan. :)

Anonymous said...


Your dream comes true.. Aku mampir ke sana abiz ini... so happy for you.

Bakat memang jangan disia-siakan ya...

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