Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weekend--When I Refrain Myself from Writing!

I made a mental note not to write on weekends. Yet, ever since yesterday, I found myself idling in front of the PC, trying to weave stories. Just stop, I told myself. And I did. Rest, I programmed myself. And I slept.

It wasn't a really productive weekend. My in-laws were here for a while, so we talked. Played with Aza and Chika. Gobbled some brownies. Finished reading Amulet of Samarkand. Took some pictures. After writing this, I'll probably try to create some accesories from beads or better yet, sleep!


Sandy of said...

My thank you note :

^^ I love rumahpernik , and indeed you should not work on the weekends.

Anonymous said...

Hi kak Donna...

Baik lho sekali-kali istirahat. Weekend lagi, jangan merasa bersalah tidak produktif.

Setelah istirahat, biasanya banyak ide muncul kembali =)

Anonymous said...

"I made a mental note not to write on weekends. Yet, ever since yesterday, I found myself idling in front of the PC, trying to weave stories."

I make and break the same promise quite often.

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