Thursday, July 05, 2007

Me in the Past: Part Two

This picture was taken in the year 2000. Atashi no shin yu, Nyachan, came to visit. We took several pictures in silly poses. That time, my hair was so long that it reached my back. (I still kept my hair long till it reached my bottom, before I cut it.) Nyachan was trying cute jilbab that she just bought. (No, she's not a Muslim.)

I was quite chubby then, the chubbiest ever (before I got pregnant, of course). I was 47 kgs. Three years later, before I got married, I weighed 43 kgs.

I used to love the shirt that I wore in this pic. Now, where did I put that? Did I give it away to somebody else? A pity...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi... BTW, who is Nyacan? I'm sorry, I don't understand Japanese words.

he he ^^

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