Saturday, September 22, 2007

Aza is Sick!

I'm so worried. I didn't check his temperature, but it was on the high side, I bet. Feverish, he threw up twice. First, he gobbled pudding greedily then threw up. Then he complained, saying I should cut the pudding into little pieces first. Second, I'm not really sure. The flu perhaps?

This afternoon we took him to the doctor. We were concerned because his nose emitted a trace of blood. Doctor gave him antibiotic and medicine for the symptoms of flu. After taking those, he slept. Then woke up with the fever.

Gave him paracetamol, he seemed to be okay now. He is now sleeping. Tonight is the night, I guess. If he becomes feverish again, then he'll still be sick in the morning. If he can sleep till morning with steady temperature, he'll be okay.

Oh God, please let him be alright!

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