Saturday, October 20, 2007

My Newest Shoes!

I'm not a shoes-addict. To me, jewelries, glittering, fancy crystals and lovely dresses are my weaknesses. Yet now and then, I can't seem to resist pretty shoes.

Like this pair.

It's green! That alone tempted me to take a closer look. I like this shade. Not too light or dark. Ohkay, so the flowery ornaments are rather disturbing, but still, when you look at the shoes from a distance, they look somewhat cute. The price really hooked me. Very affordable! I tried the shoes and they fit snugly.

And now, they are MINE!!!


Anonymous said...

dah berapa lama yak, saya beli sepatu terakhir kali? lha wong punya sepatu juga males pake, lebih sering pake sandal, termasuk saat kerja ... hehehehe

btw, selamat hari raya Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir dan batin atas segala kesalahan dan kekhilafan selama berinteraksi lewat media blog ... meski blm pernah ketemu, tapi semoga silaturahmi tetap terjalin ... amin

Primadonna Angela said...

haha, biasalah cowok. isman juga kadang harus setengah kupaksa untuk beli spatu. :D

sama2, mohon maaf lahir batin juga ya!

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