Friday, November 09, 2007

I Want to Remember

I want to remember your smile
The crease in your cheeks, when you squeal
The arching of the eyebrows, when confused
The light emanating from your eyes:
Pure joy, sheer delight.

I want to remember your warmth
You, snuggling to me, and I to you
The look you give when I feed you
Your silky smooth caress.

I want to remember your laugh
The way you view the world--
Amazed and enraptured
The way you turn to me for support.

Everything, yes, I want to remember
The peace I feel, when we are together
The love we share, when we look and touch
The tight knot in my stomach
for having you to grace my life.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

cantik sekali... salam kenal dari CĂ©lia

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