Thursday, May 08, 2008

More Books to Translate!

Got these books yesterday. I decided to work on The Grim Grotto right away. Finished translating one chapter in a day, yay! And I've finished reading Grim Grotto, now on the 6th chapter of Penultimate Peril. These books are so addictive. And full of mysteries. Sometimes I feel like asking Snicket, what, what was it? What did the paper contain, and why did you say that it'd be of enormous help had the Baudelaires decided to collect it? Arrgh!

And the mysteries thicken! Boy!

What I admire from this author, he really pays attention to details. And he has a wry sense of humor. He is obviously very well read, and he instilled some interesting tidbits of information in his books. I'm pretty sure after reading ASUE, some will be interested to read/observe things more. I love the way he quoted from Lewis Caroll and T.S. Elliot. Like the Baudelaires, I kinda agree that Caroll's works are rather whimsical and Elliot's too opaque. Still, young and older readers might be tempted to peruse some literary works afterwards. Very inspiring.

I also love Sunnytalk. Even though as a translator, I have to find a suitable substitute. For instance, that's very kind of you, more or less, becomes shivalrush. Shivalrush... shivalrush... if you repeat it several times you'll get it. "Chivalrous!" Brilliant!

And I also love the way Snicket elaborates Esme's outfits. Ha ha.

Alright, back to work!

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