Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Cherry Tomatoes!

isman's favorite snack at this moment. I, on the other hand, have to be careful in eating these.

First case... Aza took one then decided it was too sour or something. He threw it away.

I scolded him for doing so, not realizing that Chika followed her brother's act. She took the whole plate and squealed in delight seeing the tomatoes fall to the floor.

Second case... Chika took one, decided to have a bite, didn't seem to like it. Then she gave it to me to eat. Ohkay. After I ate it, my assistant told me that she threw it to the floor first, along the debris and germs. Yuck.

Third case, Aza took them. And used them as marbles.

In the end, I just asked my assistant to make a cup of tomato juice...

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