Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Purple Flowers

I noticed these flowers after taking pictures of the snail. They are wild and proud of it. Elegant yet powerful. And they dare to climb the steel wire that people arrogantly put there.

They are not fancy roses, smelling oh-so-sweetly and beckoning people to admire their looks. They are not jasmines, with their demure appearance and lethal fragrance. And they are definitely not lotuses, gracing some people's homes or ponds, defiant and aloof.

Yet to me, they are a symbol of strength. And triumph.


Christopher Taylor said...

Congrats on making Indonesia's top 10 bloggers! :)

Anonymous said...

you're bery fluntly in english sis..

Anonymous said...

selamat tahun baru…mudah-mudahan kesehatan dan keberkahan senantiasa berlimpah di tahun ini

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