Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Day with My Best Friend

We're both stay-at-home moms. We can be girly, prissy, even really really silly. We share the same astrological zodiac, penchant for books and bling bling stuff, also addiction to good, preferably gourmet food.

Sometimes we're shallow, even callous, all in all, we're essentially female. We love dabbling with stuff and we feel comfortable with each other despite of the fact that after all these years, we've only met... um, four or five times.

We both enjoy reading (obviously!), lazing around and writing! And soon, both of us are going to be published authors, because our pet project will be published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Thank you for the make up session, Mbak Echy, and thank you my dear friend, Kori Suryani, for that wonderful day.


rachmat said...

are you a pisces zodiac?
or maybe lion?

Thayer said...

Hi Angela!

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I'd like to ask you to take a look at the 41 free items at and see what you think about adding one or two to your blog. Thank you. Thayer

andi bintang said...

Hi.. Angela..
This great blog for me. I love reading your writer and You Also Beauty

Pandababy said...

Angela - missing you and sending happy thoughts and good wishes your way (just in case), because you are usually not 'gone' so long...

aa said...

no comment

Software UM said...

What a meeting!

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