Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Simple Recipe of the Day: Rice Balls with Tuna

Sometimes I am in the mood to whip up something elaborate. And many times, I don't really feel like cooking at all. Cooking can be tedious, especially when you are preparing your kids' lunches during week days.

When cooking, you have to be creative and crafty. What do you have in your pantry? Use those, instead of buying new ingredients. Improvise! Listen to your body and soul. If you are sluggish and don't really feel like cooking, choose something simple. Simple can be tasty and filling, too.

I made this for my kids today. I have two: Aza (9) and Chika (6). Aza likes many kinds of food. Chika can be a picky eater, but she can be coaxed to try new dishes. She does not normally like tuna, but I thought I could change her mind. (And I did! Chika ate all of her rice balls!)

For these rice balls with tuna, you will need:
- Steamed rice (give or take, 2 cups)
- 1/2 can of tuna in oil/brine
- 1 sachet of salmon furikake (you can substitute this with toasted sesame seeds, salt, sugar, and pepper to taste)

Just mix all of the ingredients. Form balls with your hands. Sprinkle with sesame seeds (I prefer black sesame). That's it!


natnat said...

bisa menyatu gitu gimana, ya, don. apa pas masak nasi, airnya dibanyakin? soalnya aku kalo bikin nasi suka muruluk gitu. cocok dibikin nasi goreng. ato jenis berasnya beda?

Primadonna Angela said...

Sudah kujawab di FB ya, kk. :D Bisa menyatu karena minyak dari tuna kalengannya, kk. Bisa juga campur beberapa sdm beras ketan ke berasnya sebelum ditanak.

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