Monday, January 05, 2004


At times I love to cling on dreams. Fondling them as long as possible, nurturing them so they could manifest as fruits of my labor. Embracing them, caressing them. Weaving them into stories, poems. Dreams are very precious for me.

I often have prophetic dreams. Maybe they leak from my subconscious. Or could it be that they come from The Highest Being? I wouldn't know. All I know is that, when I wake up, I know for a certainty that the dreams are indeed reality. Reality from the past, present, or future.

A couple of years ago I dreamt of Monique Poulussen's dwelling. I have never been to Holland. Yet I could tell her every single detail about her house and her bedroom. She has never been to Indonesia. Yet she could tell me what ornaments were present in my living room, the way I decorate my room. I really miss her. I don't know what happened to her. I haven't heard from her for about a year.

When my cousin, Mbak Iin, was pregnant, I could tell that the baby would be a she. And it turned out to be right.

My best friend told me that she was very depressed 'cause she didn't have a baby yet. I told her she'd have a baby soon, maybe even, two babies. She got Shota and Kohei now.

Maybe I can attune myself to some people that I care about. Not just I, but I believe everybody can. Forging psychic links, emotional bonds, whatever you call it.

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