Sunday, January 04, 2004

Ha! You thought you can lie low and hide! You were wrong! Haha! And what's with "the hug" thing? I am not a compulsive hugger! Well, not anymore! I only hug people that I care about. I can't help it if I care for many people, can I? :) Anyway, maybe it's your so-called diet that makes you sick. It might sound callous, but I'm actually grinning while writing this. (or maybe it's because I am looking at my partner's expression watching Jurassic Park on TV. One of the moments where I wish I had a digicam ready near me.)
Get well soon, handsome boy. ;) (yeah, you)

Diary of a Cat

Developed some pics today. Mostly about my spoiled brat, Popox. I would love to make a blog about him and his thoughts. But I'm afraid most of the entries will go on like this:

Day 1
Slept 12 hours today. Ate catfood. Longed for cheese and cream.

Day 2
Fought with a ferocious tomcat. Lost. Had to run home for shelter.

Day 3
I puked. Must've been the hairballs. Or the worms.

Day 4
Ventured myself to taste durian. Not bad. Much prefer tempe, though.

Day 5
Had a couple of humans search for my fleas. Killed at least a dozen.

and so on, and so on...

And why do I love this useless mass of fur? He said that I had this need to love someone (or something) unconditionally. And this time I deliberately choose Popox.

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