Monday, January 19, 2004

Making Memories

There are times in my life where I miss someone (or even, something). Could be anyone. Parents, siblings, relatives, friends, acquaintances, pets, even, mundane stuff like books. My angel, Andi, said once that he didn't like the thought of missing someone. It'd weaken me, making me helpless and powerless, so he told me.

Weakness. It is a weakness to miss someone. Or even, admit it. It means you are not independent. You are not strong.

Perhaps many people share the same thought.

I have a different one, though.

Whenever I miss someone, I feel blessed. Because it means I have fond, lingering memories concerning that particular someone or something. It means I have experienced rich, unforgettable moments. It means I have lived happily. I have lived to the fullest.

It's true, when I long for someone or something, I feel massive knots inside my body. Twisting me apart, causing uneasiness and a wave of despair. Causing me to question things. However, instead of wallowing in the past, crying or laughing over events happening eons ago, I make a decision to turn this so-called weakness into my strongest weapon.

I choose to be happy. I select my memories carefully, fondling, caressing them. To move ahead. To face the uncertainties of the future. In the mean time I also make more loving, beautiful memories with many people and things around me. I cherish the time when my partner holds me close, allowing me to hear his comforting heartbeats. When we share our days, laughters and cries. I really appreciate my friends for giving me little treats or calling me just to say "hi". I memorize every detail of my beloved pets. How they purr, snore, eat, bicker with each other. I feel so blessed and loved that I sometimes cry. Tears of gratitude and happiness, knowing how lucky I am.

And now, by writing this blog, I'm also creating another memory. And sharing mine with others. For, to me, it is a way to make my life worthwhile.

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