Wednesday, March 24, 2004


It's magical. It's somewhat irrational. To think that you can peek a tiny life inside a womb. Is it really there? Could they manufacture a resemblance, thus deceiving future parents and perhaps, doctors as well? Is it safe? Is it dependable? Zillions and zillions of questions poured as I lay down meekly, waiting for the standard procedure called ultrasound (USG).
Doctor: Ah, there, there, you can see the baby's limbs.
Me: (straining my eyes to see the screen, finding blobs and blurry things in black and white) Uh, yes, I suppose. (dubiously)
Doctor: And this is the head. (pointing at a round figure in the screen)
Me: Is it? Hmm.
Doctor: Oh, the baby's moving! See? It wriggles its legs, tossing here and there.
Me: Really? (unconvinced)
Doctor: The baby's moving its hands. Isn't it just cute! It sucks its thumb. You can see it clearly! Ah, it's brushing away the placenta, then resting its hand on the cheek...
Me: (exasperated) I can't see a thing...
Doctor: It's kicking again, my, strong legs, that's good.
Me: (praying for a miracle--to be able to see, to visualize)
A moment later...
Me: (ecstatic) Yes! I can see it! That's the baby's face, such tiny fingers...
Doctor: (looking at me with a weird look on her face) That's what I've been trying to tell you for ages, dear.
And it really was a miracle. Those tiny fingers, curling and uncurling, left me breathless. Angelic face. Eyebrows like mine. Eyes like its father. (We have to wait till the baby is born to find out if the eyes really resemble his, though.)

Too bad that time I was alone. Next time, isman has to see this blessing as well!

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