Sunday, March 28, 2004

Well, in the Good Ol' Days...

Sounds familiar? Maybe most of you have heard this cliche over and over again. I noticed that older people (well, older than I am, to be exact) just loved this phrase. They just like to compare most recent things with things in past, and often, with longing, wishing that things would remain as they remembered them. Many times I hear them criticizing the current lifestyle, fashion, behavior, etc.

Reading Lei's post made me realize something. Unknowingly, without really realizing it, I have become 'the older generation'. For sometimes I like to say, "When I was younger, things weren't like this." Then I start to reminisce in the good old days, when my skin was still dark, when one chicken steak cost Rp. 2,300, when I still lived in my hometown.

I should have known that people tend to gloss over bad experiences in the past, thus making them remember only the good parts.

Then I realized something else.

Things changed, true, but not that much. Human nature, for instance, is still relatively the same.

I often complain of the younger generation. How they seem to disrespect their elders. How they use "creativity" as an excuse to write and paint graffitis (sometimes obscene) everywhere. How they dress and talk frivolously. How bad their manner is. Yet looking back, my generation did the same things. And I'm pretty sure, my parents' and grandparents' generations did those things, too.

Also, about pre-marital sex. Free sex. Sexual liberation. Any name you choose to call it. It has happened. It is happening. And it will happen. So why make such a big fuss about it?

How often I chide younger generations of their lack of good manners.

Well, they are young. I was in their shoes once. I know how it felt. I've been there...

And come to think about it, things don't change. At least, not really.

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