Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Beginning--Roi's Request

Where should I start? From the very beginning, I guess. I have always wanted to have a child. Come to think about it, I yearned for the responsibility of taking care of another / others. I have had millions of pets and pot plants (probably more). Some survived. Some died. Such is life.

Some say that I am a very motherly person. True, I like to mother others. I always consider myself as the mommy of my cats. I have several children among my fellow Animangans (human ones, by the way). I try to help them in any ways I can, whenever they ask for my support or advice.

However, when I knew that I was pregnant, I cried. I was afraid. I shared this fear and worry with my partner and my twin brother. My family and his didn't understand. They were ecstatic, especially my parents. This will be their first grandchild, after all. His brother even sent us an SMS:

"So! Turned out that you were able to do the right thing, bro!"

We didn't ask what he actually meant by that. But we could guess...

I was afraid because I thought I wasn't ready. Our original plan was to delay having children for a while, let's say, a year or two. We wanted to get used to living together first, do whatever we felt like doing without worrying about a baby.

The positive sign in the pregnancy test pack seemed to laugh at my fears. Lots of 'what ifs' got scattered to the winds as I returned to my senses.

It was then when I got excited in having a baby.

First Three Months
Long before I was pregnant, I vowed to crave for easily obtained things. Maybe like chocolate or Ramly's corn ice cream.

I had cravings to eat many kinds of food--Japanese, Chinese, Sundanese, Western, even Padangese. Then out of the blue I had this craving for KFC's oriental bento. It was quite hot, but I added more chili sauce. The result was predictable--I got sick. I threw up, feeling light-headed and weak.

Thankfully on the third month, I was able to eat normally again.

The Following Three Months
I ate ravenously. That was to be expected. I began to notice slight differences in my body. I couldn't wear my old bras. Too tight. Changed it to one and then two size bigger. My belly swelled, causing me to look like all those poor people suffering from malnutrition. I began to have depression. I asked questions like this to my loved ones: "Am I still beautiful?" or "Do you think I'll be slim again?"

Fortunately, they were honest. This is what they told me: "You are still beautiful!"

I felt relieved.

The Last Three Months
Haven't experienced that yet!

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