Saturday, July 16, 2005



I still think the fourth book is the best so far. The sixth book is the worst I've read! Nothing really new. Nothing really exciting. Doom. Gloom. Boom. Conspiracy. Plenty of snoggings. And where the heck is Voldemort? It is as if Rowling fears her own creation.

I guess I was hoping too much...

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I can't wait to read it. I simply can't. I'm fondling the book even as I'm writing this, savoring the smell of the newness. The cover beckons me to devour the content instantly. How satisfying that would be!

But I know I shouldn't read it. Not now! This book only consists of 600-something pages. While reading The Goblet of Fire, which is thicker, by the way, it took me only three solid hours. I want to prolong the sensation. There's no rush. With luck, maybe I'll be able to finish it in a week. OK, let's be realistic. Four days. Maybe three.

Yet there's a nagging feeling inside. Something is telling me that most likely the book will be finished some time today...


M I J U N G said...

totally agree..

angkat, buka, liat2.. nafsu besar.. taro lagi.. angkat lagi, buka2 lagi, liat2 lagi, gitu2 terus.. dan gak jadi2 baca.

takut abis.

huhuhu aneh.

Mariskova said...

senasib :(
'tugas' menumpuk, anak merengek, kalo sampe melirik satu halaman saja, bisa2 seisi dunia terlupakan... baca-nggak-baca-nggak-baca-nggak....
the worst thing is: knowing that the 7th book won't be there when I finish this one huahuahuaaaaa

Sheila said...

Aku belum baca buku yg keenam. Tapi aku setuju banget kalo so far buku yg keempat adalah yg terbaik.
Mudah-mudahan aku nggak terlalu kecewa setelah baca yg keenam.

Primadonna Angela said...

hehehe emang niatnya nunda. tapi akhirnya udah habis bacanya kemaren dan terus terang aja, kecewa.

semoga tamatnya happy ending.. :)

Mariskova said...

Senasib lagi nih. Aku juga kecewa... stlh susah2 menuntaskan membaca, ternyata.... ihik ihik ihik...

uta said...

sebenernya sih bukan buku terburuk...
yang bener emang buku tersedih..
lebih gloomy dari yang ke-5...

malah jadi bikin lebih penasaran nunggu yang ke-7 :)

Anonymous said...

liat headlinenya, jadi kepikiran ama yang teori "killing important support character is the cheapest way to buy emotional reaction from reader"

Anonymous said...

Wah baca yg ke4 cuman butuh 3 jam?? hebat bener deh...saya yg ke 6 ini aja 4 jam udah ampe teler (krn mulai baca midnight sih pulang gawe)

Btw...pengen deh baca bukumu..sayang jauhhhhhhhhhh ada gak sih online book store semacam amazon gitu yg menyediakan buku2 dari indonesia...kayaknya belakangan ini semakin banyak buku2 dari pengarang muda/baru yah...sayang bgt jauh :(

Primadonna Angela said...

menurutku tetap aja buku terburuk karena membuatku bete. pas baca, nothing new, malah pusing--eh si ini sapa yah? itu sapa yah? asli gak inget karena terlalu banyak karakter.

reaksi pembaca, dalam hal ini aku ya, sangat kecewa. maybe because i was expecting too much?

aku kalo baca kalo gak ada gangguan emang cepet, yu. selama hamil aja dalam satu minggu habis baca 10 buku david eddings, hehe. tapi begitu punya anak emang rada susah...

makanya, ke indonesia yah! biar bisa beli2! :)

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