Friday, December 22, 2006

Please Forgive Me, Aza...

Two days ago I forced Aza to eat. He was recuperating but he refused to eat. He cried loudly, thinking that perhaps I was the most evil mom in the universe. I steeled my heart and got mad at him. In the end he relented. After finishing his dinner, he slept.

Yesterday, after he woke up, I looked at him closely. I asked for his forgiveness while explaining why his mommy and daddy forcefed him the day before.

"Please forgive Mami, Aza," I said to him, my eyes were brimming with tears.

"Uh-huh," Aza replied, nodding. Then he hugged me tight, saying, "I love you, Mami."

It's one of the most wonderful moments that I'll remember till I breathe my last breath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kadang aku juga begitu kok don. suka maksa demi milli, tapi jadinya kita yang kurang sabar malah nambah dosa. kalau kita sakit, kita juga gak napsu makan. sekarang kalau milli gak mau makan aku juga gak maksa lagi dibandingin kita naik darah, malah kasian anaknya.
kayaknya semua ibu2 juga ngerasaain sama seperti kau.

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