Saturday, April 14, 2007

Accessorize Me!

Yesterday, after finishing a job (hopefully I won't need to make revisions this time), I was so stressed that I decided to rearrange my accessories.

Sometimes I believe I must be a dragon in my previous life. I love to hoard my treasures. I have plenty. Accessories, books, pins, stamps, coins, postcards,... Back to the point, I just love touching and rearranging my stuff (in this case, accessories) because it gives me a chance to wind down.

I tried several on, disturbing my partner in the process. ("Aa, does this look good on me? No? How about this one? Not good, either? That pair of earrings, what do you think? How about this bracelet, does it match the earrings? Do I look pretty if I put this necklace on my head?") It feels fun, trying them on, finding out which ones are best for different occasions.

This is MORE fun than a makeover! (since I'm not really into makeup and stuff, hehe)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I believe I must be a dragon in my previous life. I love to hoard my treasures. I have plenty. Accessories, books, pins, stamps, coins, postcards,...

==> Waduhh.. jangan2 dulunya daku juga naga neehh?! Hihihi.. :D

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