Monday, April 09, 2007

You're Kidding, Right?

I have received numerous emails from people who said that they wanted to be me.

They told me that I was living the life of their dreams. Having an attentive, caring partner. Having two adorable children. Working as a prolific writer, translator, copywriter, editor at home. Being able to manage the household matters and career well. Good looks, cheerful attitude. Positive thoughts and endless energy. Comfortable and content with what I have.

Let me tell you then, how it feels to be me. It means having to put up with two babies demanding attention at the same time, working on several deadlines, managing the household, nurturing your relationship with your partner, taking care of oneself, maintaining closeness with your buddies, and millions more, at the same time.

You won't survive being me. Like I won't survive being you. Everybody has her own uniqueness. You have a life on your own--cherish yours because God has given you the best life possible. It's that big secret, really. Be content with what you have. Keep dreaming for things that you can't have, and you'll end up being miserable for the rest of your life.


Anonymous said...

setuju Don.. klo berpikir lebih spiritual, Tuhan kan nyiptain manusia dengan segala keunikannya, dan ga akan memberikan kesulitan lebih drpd yg kita bisa pecahkan.

Anonymous said...

Wahh.. itu kalimat di paragraf terakhirnya bagus bangets :) And so true..

Gua rasa orang kadang cuman ngeliat part yg 'enak'nya aja sih ketika ngeliat kehidupan yg dijalani orang lain :P

Ampe akhirnya gua malah berkesimpulan : "Kebon tetangga itu lbh bagus kalo dinikmati dr jauuuh aja, jangan melangkah lbh jauh lagi ke dalamnya!", hahaha..

Lisiani said...


setuju bangett..
kadang kita berandai2 buat jadi orang lain, sampe kita lupa bersyukur atas apa yang kita punya..

dan huxx setuju banget juga dengan "you won't survive being me. Like I won't survive being you"
-->well described..

Primadonna Angela said...

betul banget, yan. hanya masalahnya, kebanyakan orang dikit-dikit langsung ngomong.. lagi dicoba nih, cobaan berat nih.. padahal sebenarnya semua hanyalah konsekuensi dari tindakan kita.

makasi ya indah, lisiani. komentar dari kalian membuatku terinspirasi untuk berkarya. :)

Titish said...

I named my blog It's Not Easy Being Me
I still love to live my own life, though =)

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