Tuesday, May 01, 2007

First of May

When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall...

This song makes me remember my childhood. It's a sentimental song, indeed.

So! Now's first of May already. How time flies. (so cliche!) One of my targets this year has been accomplished. For that, I am glad. I also got new projects, new chances to expand and improve my writing.

Hope I'll be able to finish a manuscript this month!


Anonymous said...

Hi kak donna...

Wah aku suka lho lagu 1st of may. Cuma yang versinya Emi Fujita.

Bener, lagunya bisa buat orang merinding gitu..

Primadonna Angela said...

aku malah belum pernah dengar versi emi fujita. so far aku sukanya versi sarah brightman. thanks infonya, nanti aku cari ah..

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