Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Yay! Eleven!

Just got an email from my editor, saying that GPU would publish my eleventh book. Alhamdulillah! Tonight I'll send the concept of the cover to beautiful Maryna, and finish giving C&C to another lovely lady. I've been neglecting this task for ages, haha.

So what is it about? It's the sequel of Resep Cinta. Yes, another TeenLit. Suffice to say that two years have passed since we last heard of Cinnamon Cherry. She now has a younger (annoying) sister, a crush on an older man, a business to maintain, not to mention a problem with her best friend's new boyfriend!

Enough spoiler for now. I'll keep you updated about the progress!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mbak Primadonna Angela. Saya adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak fans-fans buku-buku karya Mbak Donna. GBU...

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