Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Went to Pesta Blogger 2008!

All in all, it was fun. I got to meet lots of people. About 1,000 people were there! Unfortunately, I only talked to a few of them, ha ha.

And oh, I looove the goodie bag. And the freebies! (Who doesn't, dear?)

I accidentally met a fellow writer, and here I was posing with her book. I chatted with several interesting people. So far I've only "met" them online. I also met Mike Aquino from the Philippines, Anthony Bianco from Australia and Mark Tafoya from the States. They are very friendly and I'm glad we had a chance to talk.

I also met a journalist from The Jakarta Globe. We talked for a while then isman and I went to the nearby Pizza Hut to attend "another blogger party". We had dinner at SCBD then headed home.

I hope there'll be another Pesta Blogger next year!

1 comment:

Eko Eshape said...

I hope there'll be another Pesta Blogger next year, too!

Maybe we can talk about your beautifull blog.


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