Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Simple Recipe of the Day: Coffee Jelly

My fingers and hands really hurt. When I am wearing my translator's hat, that happens a lot. As usual, whenever I am tired or stressed, I seek consolation in doing other things. Like cooking. I look for recipes. I try to tweak them to my needs.

My roasted tea jelly and matcha version were a big hit, so Chika and I decided to make coffee jelly. She helped in dissolving the gelatin and later, stirring the coffee mixture. This is a very simple project and Chika marveled at how easy it was. Aza suggested that we should make soda jelly in the future. I'll keep that in mind. 

My kids told me the coffee is a bit bitter, but very tasty. I tried it, and I agreed. However, coffee always makes me drowsy. I am now nodding now and then, fighting my sleepiness.

Mix gelatin with 50 ml water, stir well until it dissolves. It might take a while. Use lukewarm water if you want it to dissolve quicker.

In the mean time, add coffee and sugar to the remaining water. Use low heat until it boils. Wait for a minute or two, then add gelatin mixture gradually until it dissolves completely. Pour into mold. When it's cool enough, put in the fridge. Two hours later, it's ready! Drizzle condensed milk (or cream), and enjoy!

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