Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Simple Recipe of the Day: Raspberry Soy Milk

My belated Ma sometimes made soy milk. She added hers with ginger and sometimes pandan leaves. I'm not a big fan of soy milk, to me, they taste a bit bland and... strange. However, a couple of days ago as I was missing my mom, I yearned to try making some myself. 

I found a recipe for homemade soy milk here. I thought the sugar was too much so I didn't add any, figuring I'd add it later when I decided to consume it. I used 12 cups (@ 250 ml) instead of 11. The soy milk turned out perfectly! I didn't add ginger or pandan leaves so it'd be more versatile. And I found out if I blend it, the nice foam would appear and add a nice touch. 

After I boil it, I put the milk in a container and store it in the fridge.

For a different taste, I decided to add my homemade raspberry jam to my soy milk. I'll be making more raspberry soy milk in the future, that's for certain.

This recipes yields two or three portions. I still have some leftover and I'll be making more beverages soon!

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